
I have a good friend, Ray who is worried about me. Seems that I have fallen away from my Christian faith, and Ray is my Christian friend who is continuing to pray and stand for me to be reunited with the faith I once believed.

I wish I could say I had a great deal of hope here, but as you will see if you keep reading, I suspect I am beyond hope from folks like Ray. And I actually think that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Although you should be the judge.

At any rate, welcome to my new blog, Scars Upon the Earth. The idea behind this blog is to discuss the following questions:

  • Did Jesus save me from my sins? (Personally, I tend to doubt that these days.) I have a bit of trouble with the concept of sin, as you will see.
  • Is the Bible the inspired Word of God or simply a work of human culture? (I have looked at this a lot. More later.)
  • Is religion absolute, or is it also a form of culture? In other words, is God’s plan for marriage an arrangement in which one man and one woman live together and are monogamous? This one is quite interesting.

The essence of my blog is the exploration of the forbidden topics: Is God real? Is he / she personal? Does he / she hear my prayers? What evidence do we have for the existence of a personal God? I have spent a great deal of time reflecting and studying these issues, and I hope you benefit from these thoughts. If you have any comments and push back (I sincerely hope so!), then let me know and the discussion will begin.